SD 61 Glucagon Training 2018-2019

GVSD Board Office 556 Boleskine Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

Who requires Glucagon Training?
The training of staff is required only if you have diabetic students with Glucagon kits. Glucagon kits are not mandatory and it is recommended that you check with parents to determine if they intend to purchase a kit. The most appropriate staff to attend the training are those who are directly responsible for the student’s diabetic needs. It is recommended that you have two staff at your school that can administer glucagon if required.


Community Service Fair

Richmond Elementary Gym

SD 61 Learning Support Team is  excited to be providing this opportunity for Counsellors and Learning Support teachers in our district to hear from some of the helping agencies in our community.


Building Relationships: Moving Forward Together

University of Victoria

All sessions will share a connection to Aboriginal Worldviews and Perspectives including topics covering: Math, Science, Literacy, P.E. First Peoples’ Games and Activities Marc Albany’s Cultural Walk Digital Storytelling Place-Based Learning Self-Regulation Aboriginal Arts Métis History and so much more! Registration information coming soon!
