Family Pack (15 RESOURCES)
Support yourself and your family members in better understanding mental disorders and how to deal with them. If you have a mental disorder, are supporting a family member with one or are interested in how you can support a friend and their family, the Family Pack can help.
Starting Conversations About Bullying: Resources for Families: Bullying can significantly impact a young person’s mental health and well-being. Families and educators can play an important role in intervening if bullying is suspected. Check out our tips for parents and caregivers on how you can support your child if they are being bullied, or if they are bullying.
Helping our Kids Harness the Superpower of Kindness: As powerful as a superhero’s inner gift of super-human strength, positive psychology research tells us that the superpower of kindness is in all of our kids. We can help our kids to unlock this natural ability and utilize this superpower to be happier, have better relationships and can help our kids promote a pay it forward generation.