Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important for everyone, but children and youth in particular need to receive all of the necessary nutrients for growth and development. A healthy diet can stabalize energy, sharpen the mind and improve mood-allowing children to maximize their potential both inside and outside of school.
Healthy SchoolsBC Resource List

BC Dairy
BC Dairy’s online nutrition education programs for the K-12 years make it easy to teach nutrition using BC’s new curriculum. Teachers everywhere in BC can participate in professional development sessions... Read more

Canada’s Food Guide
Canada's Food Guide
Food guide snapshot, healthy eating recommendations, recipes, tips and resources.
... Read more

Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC School
Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC School
Healthy meal and snack options are an important part of creating healthy eating environments where we live, learn, work and play. The... Read more

Sip Smart
Sip SmartBC teaches children in grades 4-6 about sugary drinks and making healthy drink choices in fun and effective way.... Read more

Farm to School
Farm to School programs bring healthy, local and sustainable food into schools and provide students with hands-on learning opportunities that foster food literacy, all while strengthening the local food system... Read more

BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation
BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (BCAITC) is a non-profit, charitable organization that works with educators to bring local agriculture to BC’s students.... Read more

SPEC empowers local communities in the Lower Mainland to build a greener future through our interactive programs and activities.... Read more