Resources for Educators

Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators (EASE) K-12
EASE – Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators is a collection of school-based, evidence informed, anxiety management and resilience-building resources for use by educators with B.C. students in grades K-7.

Everyday Anxiety Strategies Early Years (EASEY)
This site is for B.C. parents, caregivers, families, educators and other professionals to help them support the “everyday” mental health of children and youth.

Positive Mental Health Toolkit
This toolkit has been designed to promote positive mental health practices and perspectives within the school environment.

Teen Mental Health
Our goal for school mental health is to improve mental health literacy among students, educators and school staff.

Elementary Mental Health Literacy
The Elementary Mental Health Literacy Resource is the first of its kind classroom-ready resource designed for classroom teachers* to teach students in grades 4-6 about mental health.

Brains Beyond Borders
Mental health curriculum supplements designed for elementary classroom delivery  to help teachers introduce age appropriate mental health concepts gradually over the years.

Language Matters
An Introductory Guide for Understanding Mental Health and Substance Use: A Resource for Educators and School Communities

TeachBC – Teaching Resources on Mental Health

Open Mind BC-Resources for Teachers

Stigma-Free Society
The Stigma-Free Society is a Canadian registered charity dedicated to reducing and eliminating stigma of all kinds, with a focus on mental health. Their Professional Development Day sessions walk educators through the Student Mental Health Toolkit, a hub of valuable educational online resources for students in grades 4-12.